
Everything you buy from TOM BIHN is satisfaction guaranteed.
Defects in materials or workmanship are uncommon and almost always evident while the product is still new. If something goes wrong and it's our fault, we'll fix it for free. Repairs due to normal wear and tear or due to other things that are not our fault will be performed, when possible, at cost. Keep in mind that daypacks, messenger bags, and briefcases are often subject to extreme wear in everyday use: do not expect them to last forever. Only true love lasts forever! You can expect a TOM BIHN product to give years of hard service.
Our warranty does not cover consequential damages. While TOM BIHN cases and bags give excellent protection to computers and other technology, we are not responsible for any damages or losses associated with the use of our products. This warranty is limited to the replacement costs only of TOM BIHN products.
Need to contact us about a warranty repair?