You have 60 days from the shipping date to return any item for a refund, as long as it is unused, in its original condition, and has all original tags attached. We do not accept returns of used items.
Please use the following link below to process your returns:
If you are within the United States, a pre-paid shipping label will be generated. For direct returns, a flat fee of $10 is deducted from your return for shipping and processing costs.
For U.S. orders, we offer free color exchanges. The same 60-day return policy applies. Use the link above to process your exchange.
If you live outside of the United States and wish to make a return, you must ship the bag back to us at the address below. This shipping is done at your expense and via your choice of shipping carrier. Please use the link above to generate a packing slip for your return. No processing cost is deducted for international returns.
Attn: Returns
4750 A Ohio Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134
Phone # 206 652 4123
Original shipping charges are refundable only if a product has been misrepresented, mis-shipped, or is defective in materials or workmanship.
Please ship the bag back to us in the original packaging if possible. If the original packaging is not available, package the bag in a generously sized, crushproof box: do not fold, roll, or otherwise stuff the a bag into a smaller container, as this can permanently damage the bag.
We strongly recommend that you insure and track your return shipment if you are shipping from outside the United States. Please include the packing list that is generated when processing your return at the link above with your order.
Once we receive your return it will be processed by us within a week, after which most banks and most credit institutions process the credit within one week, to make it an average of two weeks to process the credit.
If you have any questions, please call us at 1-800-729-9607 (U.S. & Canada) or +1-206-652-4123 or email us.