Our Beaver Transfer Bag is designed to assist in the live capture and relocation of - you guessed it - beavers (Castor canadensis in North America, and Castor fiber in Eurasia).
The Beaver Transfer Bag is available exclusively to wildlife organizations and governmental agencies (Federal, Tribal, State, and local governments). If that describes you, please email us at to place your order.
If that doesn't describe you, you can still help by spreading the word about the importance of beaver restoration. #beaversfightclimatechange
This is pro bono work; Tom’s design time, Lisa and Fong’s time perfecting the manufacturing, our entire production crew’s time in making the transfer bags, and fulfillment’s time connected with the NGOs or government agencies and shipping the transfer bags…that’s all on us as part of our environmental commitment.
When beavers appear on private land, land owners are often happy to have such interesting new neighbors; not only are beavers themselves interesting to observe, but their ponds attract other wildlife such as song birds, waterfowl, bats, moose, and otters.
However, some land owners are concerned about the impact beavers might have on their trees, and the potential flooding of roads, etc., caused by the beavers’ ponds, and want them removed. In such cases, a local or state wildlife agency, or beaver-centric NGO, can be contacted and the beavers live-trapped and relocated to suitable habitat, often on public lands.
Beaver relocation is part of a larger effort to restore beavers to the landscape wherever possible: humans have finally realized that beavers play a significant role, not only in the creation and preservation of scenic and biologically diverse wetlands, but in controlling the erosion caused by seasonal stream flows, as well as retaining water for all down-valley users. It’s estimated that the water you see in a beaver dam represents only about 10% of the water being pushed back into the aquifer. Live-trapping and relocating these industrious and, let’s face it, cute animals, is not simply more humane, it can dramatically change entire watersheds, their biologies, and their hydrologies.
Our Beaver Transfer Bag is based on an original design by Kent Woodruff. Its design allows your beaver relocation team to easily transfer a beaver from a clam-shell style live trap, such as a KORO Handcock trap, to a cage or other holding facility. An adjustable cinch strap allows the beaver to be restrained so that the team can ascertain her/his gender, age and over-all health. Grab loops are numerous and ready for whatever wrestling might be required; folks have successfully transported beavers in our Beaver Transfer Bag carabiner’d onto an external pack frame (don’t try this at home, kids). The woodland camouflage panels are intended to make the beaver feel more at home and reduce stress; we have no data to back this up, and none of the beavers we’ve asked have yet to voice an opinion.
Here's a few ways to learn more about why beavers are so important:
- Learn how the Tulalip Tribe established the Tulalip Beaver Project as part of an effort to restore salmon streams. Note: the Tulalip Beaver Project uses our Beaver Transfer Bag!
- Watch The Beaver Believers trailer and attend a screening near you!
- Read this blog post by WildEarth Guardians (one of the organizations we support as part of our 1% For The Planet commitment) about beaver restoration.
- This article from the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies describes how beavers can help combat climate change.